Friday, April 27, 2012

Top 5 Friday - Blog feeds

Here's the top 5 geeky blogs i'm enjoying at the moment:

Crash CourseJohn and Hank Green explain History and Biology to you in the most entertaining way I have seen anywhere.  The Green brothers already have an amazing vlog series and a whole community of Nerd Fighters, but Crash Course is by far my favourite. DFTBA.

One Thing WellA great site that posts about software around the world which focus on doing one particular thing really well.

It's Okay to Be Smart: An energetic blog about the amazing stuff going on in the world of science, and just general wonderfulness.

Geek and Sundry: New series founded different internet geeks such as Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton.  Many types of geekery abound here, distilled into nice short video segments.  Which brings me to...

Wil Wheaton: I never watched Star Trek all that much, nor have I seen "Stand by Me", so I have no reference point for Wil's original celebrity status, I just know he's a funny, intelligent blogger who gets passionate about interesting things, and has defined a fundmental law of society.

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